
Showing posts from December, 2022

My Life, My Job, My Career: How 10 Simple Domain Rating Helped Me Succeed

What is ganja? Cannabis Glossary The Additional Director General of Law and Order and Special Enforcement Bureau Commissioner Ravi Sankar Ayyannar and Visakha Range DIG Harikrishna would attend the destruction of the ganja. It is the biggest operation ganja destruction in the country for the second time by the AP Police in eight months. It is recalled that undivided Visakhapatnam district police burnt two lakh kgs of ganja worth Rs. 200 crore on February 12 of this year. Our special forces destroyed 600 acres of ganja crop in five days,” the DGP Rajendra Nath Reddy said. In 1935, Joseph Stalin renamed the city Kirovabad after Sergei Kirov. In 1991, Azerbaijan re-established its independence, and the ancient name of the city was given back. For many years the 104th Guards Airborne Division of the Soviet Airborne Troops was based in the town. With their military superiority, the Russians were victorious in the Russo-Persian War of 1804–1813. By the Treaty of Gulistan that followed,